NumeRe in a Bottle:
Run it on Linux
NumeRe currently doesn't have a linux version, although there are already some requests out there to have a native version. But porting will take time, which might be better allocated into feature development. Until this is sorted out, we can still use it on Linux with the help of compatibility layer called Wine and app called Bottles.
This is a guest contribution by GitHub user undefinedactive. See the original text here: Issue#260
Installing Bottles
Configuring new Bottle
Click on Create New Bottle, give it a name and click Create. This will setup the correct environment similar to Win64. Note that this will take some time. In the end, you should see a success message.
Downloading the Latest Version of NumeRe and Installing it Inside our Bottle
Now download the latest version of NumeRe.
Inside our Bottle called "numere" click Run Executable and choose the appropriate installer executable (left image). The installer will start. To go through the installation process just follow its instructions. After the installation process, your Bottle "numere" should look like the right image, where you can find the installed application numere in the "Programs" section.
To run NumeRe just click on the play button right to it.
Run it and Test it with the Help of Example Scripts
Just select and open one of the example scripts in the script folder (we've used "fibonacci.nscr" here). You can inspect the code within the editor. You might note that the editor font does not look like a typical code font. We'll fix that in the next section. For now, let's check, whether the engine is running correctly.
To run the opened example script, click on the "Execute current file" icon in the toolbar or just press [F5].
Some Final Tweaks for the Missing Code Font
Within the settings dialog of NumeRe, you want to change to the "Style" tab and select your code font of choice, because the pre-selected "Consolas" is Windows-specific. If you, however, want to use Consolas:
Go to your Bottle
Under "Options" click on Dependencies
Search in the dialog for the Consolas or simply select "allfonts" and install it
Now you should be able to select Consolas as code font