First steps
We'll show you how it's done!
Even the longest way begins with the first step ...
... once said Lao-Tse, Chinese philosopher in the 6th century before Christ. And of course this statement is necessarily true. But what does it say?
In essence, it is about starting in the first place, even with difficult topics. And because we know that it can be really difficult to find the direction for the first step, we help you here with the most important basics in NumeRe.
For all topics it can be helpful to have a look at the NumeRe documentation, which you can display with [F1], the context menu or with the command help. We would also like to recommend the search function in the toolbar if you get stuck.
1. The user interface
Let's have a look at the NumeRe window. Surely you have some questions, what is actually what here.
2. The command window
In the beginning it makes sense to focus on the command window (terminal) and do a few simple tasks. Want to know how to create your first plot? Read on here.
3. Data types
In the meantime, we have already had contact with the first variables. But what other data types are there? You've probably read the term "table" somewhere on this page - learn here how tables and other data types work in NumeRe.
4. Files and data files
Now we know the basic functions. Now it's time to work with real data from data files.
5. First data analysis
We now know how to load data from files. We've also learned how to plot data from tables. Now it's time to get some deeper information from the data and really analyze it.
6. Scripts and procedures
Of course it is tedious to type all expressions into the command window. You'll want to get away from that soon and write more durable and repeatable code, right? Read on here.